People at our Heart Award
Is there a team, individual or volunteer you know who has gone the extra mile to improve patient care and you simply want to say thank you? If so, you can nominate them for a quarterly People at our Heart Awards!
Every day in our hospitals, staff and volunteers go to extraordinary lengths to provide exceptional care and support for our patients, as well as their families and friends. Our People at our Heart Awards is an opportunity to shine a light on an individual, team or volunteer that does an incredible job and goes above and beyond the call of duty.
Making a nomination
All permanent Trust employees and volunteers are eligible to be nominated, and so whether you’re a patient, a colleague, a carer, a volunteer, or one of our partners, you have the chance to celebrate and reward staff who go that extra mile in delivering care or treatment.
Making a nomination is really easy. You can simply complete an online Nomination Form outlining the reasons why you feel they are such a great example of providing exceptional clinical care or support.
So what are you waiting for?
Get nominating that special individual, team or volunteer today and let’s start celebrating those Trust staff and volunteers who each day ‘provide healthcare at its best – with people at our heart!’
For More Info