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Long Service Award

Each year we welcome thousands of new staff into Newcastle Hospitals, but we also continue to enjoy and value the services of all of our dedicated staff and recognise those who have remained with us for many years. The Trust recognises the contribution and loyalty of these staff through its Long Service Awards Policy which acknowledges the hard work of staff who have been with the Trust for 25, 35 and even 45 years.  

We often get asked how staff are nominated, or what they need to do to be nominated - well the simple answer is that you do not need to do anything.

Each year we run a report from ESR with the names of all the staff who will reach 25, 35 or 45 years continuous service with the Trust and then throughout the year a member of the Staff Engagement team reviews the files and will contact you directly if you are eligible. 

However, if you think you are eligable and have not been contacted, please send your name, payroll number and the year you started with NUTH to [email protected]

What do the Long Service Awards involve?

We run two events each year where our long serving staff are invited along to an evening where a member of the Executive team attends to talk about some of the great achievements which have happened at NUTH, which they have been a part of. The evening is a lovely opportunity for staff and their guest, to reflect on their experience working at Newcastle Hospitals and meet some of the other people who joined the Trust at a similar time. The awards will then be handed out and there is an opportunity for everyone to catch up afterwards and chat to other recipients. 

What do I recieve?

You will recieve a letter, thanking you for your service, along with a voucher and one our coveted LSA pin badges. 

View the Policy